General reports
- Knowledge base
- Analytics
- Reports
- General reports
In the General reports section, you can export complete aggregated statistics in Excel format.
Aggregated statistics is data with a large number of indicators on the basis of which it is possible to receive reports on reaction time and total processing time, number of messages, clients, appeals, actions of operators, ratings and scores, etc. The statistics is calculated once a day at 01:00 by your local time. If the statistics is not calculated for your company (there is a corresponding message about it in the Dashboard section), then contact the administration.
- Most statistics is based on the request. Request is an excerpt of a customer dialogue consisting of one or more messages. The request begins with the first message of the client and ends when the dialog with the client is closed. As the dialog with this client continues after the dialog is closed, a new request in the same dialogue will begin.
- To display requests in dialogs go to Settings > Tags and requests (as administrator).
- The period of time (duration) - always in seconds.
You can find a detailed description of aggregated statistics in the section Dashboard > General reports > Aggregated statistics.
You can work with this statistics data using our special Google Spreadsheet (Google Docs), creating your own reports, and updating data with 1 click. Here is the link to open the spreadsheet. See the full instructions on the Controls sheet.