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Adding an external channel to the widget

If an external channel is connected to the channel, you will be able to add it to the widget on the site in Settings > Widget and Online Chat

After adding an external channel to the list of available messengers, the system will ask you to specify an icon and a link to click in the widget.

Icon restrictions:

  • Image size is no larger than 1 megabyte.
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.

Filter by IP for API

Now you can customize the processing of API requests by the list of permitted IP addresses, specified in the company's settings.

Filter by IP for API is disabled by default. You can enable the option and customize the list of addresses in Settings > Security and access rights.

After applying the settings, all requests from non-whitelisted addresses will receive an error response “Unauthorized IP address (see IP filtering setting)”.

Filling first and last name from Telegram into the client card

When you create a dialog with a new customer who texted in a Telegram number, the customer's card will now record their first and last name instead of username.

Self-connecting WhatsApp in test mode

We've added the ability to connect WhatsApp using a trial panel. If you've got a trial period connected, you'll be able to connect a test WhatsApp on your own without contacting tech support. However, only one WhatsApp number can be connected via the trial panel.

How it works.

  1. Go to the trial panel via Free Mode > Connect Messengers and select Connect WhatsApp.
  2. Enter your phone number and click Next.
  3. Then you will see a notification Connect WhatsApp.
  4. Next, it will display a QR code. You need to scan it to complete the connection.

Redesigned Message delivery rate report

We have redesigned and updated the Message delivery rate report.

  • New name — Message delivery rate.
  • In addition to Viber Business and Viber Public, WhatsApp Business API (360dialog) and Instagram* API are now supported.
  • You can build a report on all available messengers at once, or customize the selection.
  • There are new parameters in the report: Messenger: name of messenger and Total: total number of sent messages.

The report is available without the Aggregated Statistics option.


Hiding system messages from operators and supervisors

Show system messages setting allows you to disable the display of system messages for operators or supervisors. Enable in Settings > Security and access rights.

The access to system messages is enabled by default for both roles.

Displaying the number of days for the current balance

The administrator now has access to a forecast of how many days the balance will last and when it will need to be topped up.

If there is less than one day to pay, a warning about this is shown in red.

Updating operator statuses in real-time

Operator statuses are now updated live. This means that operators no longer have to refresh the page every time they transfer a chat to another operator.

Previously, when transferring, a chat could go to an operator who had gone on a break or had a status of “Busy”. To avoid this, it was necessary to manually reload the page to recheck.

Parameter utm_campaign in analytics

The new release includes the ability to retrieve the utm_campaign parameter on a GET web_analytics_data request via API.

This parameter allows you to identify an ad campaign and use this parameter information in other integrations and CRM systems.

Transferring customer data in online chat and SDKs

If a client authorizes on a website or mobile application where Chat2Desk widget or SDK is used, the site can receive and pass the session identifier clientKey when they access online chat for the first time. It allows identifying that the dialog is with a specific client. Similarly, you can pass information about the client to their card in Chat2Desk.

Receiving and storing the ID will help you to identify the client in the future, and the system will not create a separate chat when the client contacts you. However, in case of repeated requests, the ID will need to be transferred again. This will also make it easier to keep the correspondence history in one chat.

What data can be transmitted:

  • ID;
  • name;
  • phone number;
  • comment;
  • custom fields.

To pass this information, you need to insert the corresponding code into the widget or SDK code on the page. More details about it are described in the corresponding article in the knowledge base.

Redesign of the Mass operations page

We continue to improve the layout of the chat center. In the new release, we have redesigned the page of the Mass operations section. Now it looks fresher and corresponds to the main interface of the chat center.

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