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New reports in aggregated statistics

Last update we upgraded and added new reports to the Operators, Traffic, and Quality survey sections. We decided not to stop there. Let us tell you what we have added and changed this time.

Operators workload section

  • Receiving and transferring chats by operators. A new report showing the number of chats that an operator has received, transferred, or closed.

Reaction time section

  • Average reaction time and response time. Previously, Reaction and response time. We added working_reaction_time parameter: the number of seconds between assigning a chat to an operator and the operator's first message.
  • Unanswered chats at the moment. A new report showing unanswered open chats assigned to operators.
  • Service level (by reaction). A new report that allows you to track customer service level (Service level) by operator response. The report shows the number of calls to which an operator responded faster or later than in one minute, as well as the percentage of such calls from the total number.
  • Service level (by operating time of handling). This report allows you to track the level of customer service by the operating time of handling. The report shows the number of requests that an operator closed faster or more than one hour, as well as the percentage of such calls as a function of the total number of calls.
  • Number of chats closed without response. This displays the number of closed chats in which the operator did not answer the client and their percentage of the total number of chats closed by the operator.

The new report types do not replace the old ones and work only if the Aggregated statistics option is enabled.

WhatsApp Business API by Gupshup

Chat2Desk is constantly expanding cooperation with new partners and providers to improve the quality of service and communication. It is now possible to connect the professional business version of one of the most popular messengers in the world via WhatsApp Business API provider Gupshup.

With Gupshup, you can access up-to-date statistics on customers, as well as sessions and messages. You can manage your WhatsApp business account, change settings and customize templates.

To find out more about the new connection, text us in the online chat via widget on our website.

Voice messaging via external channel

We have added the ability for operators to record voice messages to respond to customers through an external channel. This enhancement allows answering to customers in a convenient format, improve service quality and increase customer satisfaction.

Sending, listening to and deleting audio messages is available within the chat window. Before sending, you can listen to the recording or delete it and record it again.

Audio messaging is only available in the browser version yet.

Increased limit of connected webhooks

We enhanced the limit of connected webhooks from 5 to 50. This allows you to use Chat2Desk more efficiently and improve customer interaction. You will be able to connect more integrations with external systems, such as any CRM or external applications.

The first five webhooks are free to connect. Each next one costs $15.

Webhook when blacklisted or unblocked

We added a new client_added_to_blacklist event for webhook, which triggers when a user is added to a blacklist or is unblocked. This event allows CRM systems to automatically close transactions with blocked clients.

Increased macros limit

We noticed that you need more options to realize your tasks, so we increased the macro limit from 50 to 500. This allows you to perform more actions and scripts in Chat2Desk.

Transmission of custom UTM tags

Previously, the widget transmitted only five standard UTM tags to the client card: utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_term.

We have redesigned the tag transfer system: the widget will transfer custom tags to accurately track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In order for custom UTM tags to be transmitted to Chat2Desk, they need to be registered in the Local Storage of your website.

Please note: custom UTM tags will not be passed to analytics systems.

Specifying channels in bills

Now, our bills show which channel an option is connected to. This will help make the closing documents more informative, especially if you have many similar options connected to your account.

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