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Audio messaging in WhatsApp Business API (360dialog)

The welcome update for WhatsApp Business API 360dialog users is here. You can now send audio messages to your clients.

Operators can send audio messages, listen to, or delete them. Before sending the recording, you can listen to it or delete it and record it again.

So far, audio messaging is only available in the browser version. We plan to implement sending audio messages later on mobile devices using the application, as well as to support them in other messengers.

Revamped request header and request tagging

We redesigned the request header to make it easier for you to assign tags to requests directly in the chat with a client.

A request is an excerpt from a dialog with a client that consists of several messages. It starts with the first message of the client and ends with closing the conversation with them. Requests are highlighted in the dialog with special markers.

Make sure that the request headers are shown in your chats before you start working with them. You can check this under Settings > Tags and requests.

Now there is an Add Tags button in the header of the request. Clicking on it will open a window with the tags in the drop-down list. Just select the necessary ones and save the changes.



To change tags, just click the pencil icon and delete or add what you need.

The way to copy the link to a request has also changed: now you can click on the number of the request and the link will be copied to the clipboard.

Remember that tags are a tool that allows you to streamline your work and gives you the option to organize multiple chats and requests.

“Billing” item in the main menu

The left menu now has a Billing item with a sub-item Warning and deactivation thresholds. There you can check your deactivation threshold and set the warning threshold. Once your balance falls below the warning threshold, you will receive a bar notification in the Chats section. We will also send a chat message to the administrator of the company.


This item is only available to the administrator.

Sending Instagram* buttons via API

We've introduced the ability to send Instagram* buttons via Chat2Desk API. This will accelerate communication and make it more convenient. 

How it works: a user in an Instagram* chat gets the possibility to reply by clicking on a button from the list.

Sending buttons is performed via Chat2Desk API request messages (POST). Also, you can add emoji to the text of the button to personalize communication. However, there is a limitation: a text that is more than 20 characters is not supported, you will experience an error.

Answer buttons in WhatsApp Business API

Likewise, WhatsApp Business API users now have an option to send reply buttons via the messenger in chats with customers in Chat2Desk.

Compared to regular text lists, buttons are more convenient. They accelerate customer interaction with the information in chats.

Buttons are sent via the Chat2Desk API with the command messages (POST). You can add up to three buttons of response options.

Displaying request types in request reports

Now you can see the type of requests in the reports: either standard or with scores.

This is helpful in making it easier for you to separate requests with an evaluation request and to get precise data on that attribute.

Available in reports:

  • All aggreg. stat. data
  • All requests
  • Requests with replies

Mandatory passwords change

We've added another option to improve security. You can now enable forced change of passwords for all users in your company.

The administrator can set the frequency of operator password changes under Settings > Security and Access Rights > Mandatory Password Change. Two weeks, a month, a quarter, or six months are available for selection.

Transfer tags from Chat2Desk to amoCRM

amoCRM users can now transfer customer tags and request tags from Chat2Desk. The tags will be transferred to the CRM system when they are assigned or deleted in Chat2Desk.

To enable tag transfer, go to the Integration > amoCRM settings. You can choose which tags to transfer to amoCRM:

  • client tags,
  • request tags.

Python scripts version 3.11

The new release includes support for Python version 3.11 script service. New companies will have the new version of the script interpreter installed by default, while existing companies will keep the current version, and have the option to switch to the new one.

We recommend that existing users update their scripts in advance to avoid errors when switching to the new version.

Client Id in the response of the API command client (POST)

We've improved client (POST) API command. Now the id of the client is displayed in response to client (POST) command, if the client already exists. 

This way, you can continue to work with the client without additionally requesting the client id by using the client (GET) command.

Custom variables for WhatsApp links

Lately, we've added an option that allows you to track URLs and UTM tags from the web page where the client is when starting a conversation via WhatsApp through a pre-set message.

We've enhanced this feature, and now you can add your own variables as many as you want to get the most accurate statistics on user clicks from the WhatsApp widget.

Case in point: a customer visits a site to buy a red car. The site collects data that the client is in a particular section of the site and chooses the car of the specific color. A custom message is personalized with these variables, and when the client tries to text via the widget to WhatsApp, it will already be: “Hi, I'm looking for a red car.”

How does it work?

Step 1. Specify variables in the custom text field in analytics

  1. First, enable WhatsApp request tracking in Settings > Web analytics
  2. Then fill in the default message for the required channel and language:

You can specify any number of any parameters you want in the message text in the form %{paramName}, where paramName is an arbitrary parameter name.

Step 2. Configuring the widget

On a website with the widget installed, you must first add a script that gets the widget ready to run with custom parameters.

  document.addEventListener('initialize_widget', () => {
    const chat24 = document.querySelector('#chat24-root chat-24')

      paramName: 'Text of paramName',

There are a total of 3 methods available:

  1. setCustomMessageParams(params: Record<string, string>) – allows filling all custom parameters with one script call.
  2. setCustomMessageByKey(key: string, text: string) – allows filling in a specific parameter.
  3. removeCustomMessageByKey(key: string) – allows removing the parameter from widget settings.
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