Three fourths of internet customers leave products in the cart and never finish the payment*. Clients leave the website, shops lose the profit. We renewed e-commerce concept and solved the abandoned cart problem by synchronizing product catalog with messengers. Let us walk you through each step.
Our hero
“Meat Cult” restaurant in Voronezh, which serves and delivers burgers and other kinds of street food.
How e-com usually works
First scenario. A middle-level manager John decides to have his lunch delivered to the office by He creates an order and almost pays, when the boss walks in and demands a report that should have been ready by now. John immediately forgets about his lunch, and by the time he finishes the report the working day is almost over, so he decides to cook something at home.
Second scenario. Kate scrolls through the catalog of the “Decent stuff” shop and finds some things she might need at home. To order she needs to register, but the registration form with a couple of dozens of fields looks so scary, that Kate decides to do it some other time.
As a result, we have two abandoned carts and a lost profit because of the obstacles users face while shopping. But there are ways to change that.
What we decided to do
We radically changed the whole experience. Now we create a dialogue with a client before he or she visits the website. This lets us track the ordering process and push the user towards the purchase. However, we tried to make sure the client wants to share contacts with us.
This is how it happens
A client clicks on a link in a social media ad or scans a QR code, which opens a mobile-optimized mini-landing. It provides the basic information: the name of the store and two buttons that open instant messengers, Telegram and Instagram* in our case.
After clicking on any button, the app opens, and the client starts a chat with a pre-prepared message. A chat bot replies with a link to the catalog. Using the web-catalog is much more pleasant than creating the whole order via the messenger, which doesn’t provide the proper experience. Clients need to look at the photos, compare the goods and edit the cart if necessary.
Then, the client collects all needed goods and switches to the cart. Being already authorized (we know his/her phone number, so there’s no need in further registration), the customer has only to choose delivery options and pay for the order.
Why do our clients tend to finish the payment?
A messenger session is synced with a browser session. The client doesn’t have to sign up or sign in: the whole step is automatically completed since we already know the phone number. This reduces both the time spent and the number of actions before the conversion. The client falls through the sales funnel easier, and, therefore, the profit increases.
We track all orders and know how many minutes a person spends on each step. If we see a delay in the process, we send a reminder via the messenger. This simple action gives a huge effect.
On the top of that, we use scenarios in chatbot builder, which let us not only send messages but respond to the customer when needed. For example, if the client abandoned the cart and texted that he’s going to need the goods tomorrow, we’ll send him a notification at the set time.
Or, if the client needs to talk to an operator, he/she just needs to text the request to the dialogue, and the manager will reply shortly after.
After one month of work, we succeeded in making 75% of clients finish their payments. Besides, the regulars appreciate the convenience of the service: the pickup option stimulates them to return twice more often.
As for marketers, they might enjoy statistics that Chat2Desk provides. Each ad and each QR code can have a unique tag or UTM, so it's possible to track down any source leading to the purchase. This is an easy way to add information about offline advertisement efficiency to your end-to-end analytics.
*according to Baymard